category Educational Consultant
phone 97125648356

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address Address

Eastern Rd - Al Nahyan - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates

location Place : Eastern Rd - Al Nahy...
city City : Abu Dhabi
state State : Abu Zabi
country Country : United Arab Emirates

atmail Email : info-cert@hct.ac.ae
web Website : https://www.cert.ae/

details Company details
"Since its foundation in 1996, CERT has been at the forefront of national development, through life-long learning and technology solutions that deliver value for leading organizations in the UAE and the region. We are uniquely positioned at the intersection of academia, industry, and government, offering integrated solutions that contribute to industry competitiveness and government excellence.

Our success is attributed to a strong commitment to providing our clients with world-class, bespoke programs, aligned to global standards, which increase employability rates, improve talent retention, enhance talent development and develop a competitive advantage for our partner organizations.

At CERT we have set our sights on trusted sustainable partnerships in the creation of a knowledge-based economy in the UAE, spearheading innovations for our clients across all economic sectors."
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