Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology

category Hospital
phone 09901162088

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address Address

32, 1st Floor, 1st Main Cross, above HDFC Bank, 1st Block Koramangala, Koramangala, Bengaluru, Karnataka

Phone 2 : 09901162088
Phone 3 : 09901162088
location Place : Bengaluru
city City : Ankola
state State : Karnataka
country Country : India

atmail Email : info@drdixitcosmeticdermatology.com
web Website : Visit

details Company details
The most reputable Best Dermatologist In Bangalore for the past 13 years is Dr. Rasya Dixit, a well-known Dermatologist and Aesthetician In Bangalore, she established the Dr. Dixit Clinic in 2014, a center of excellence for cosmetic dermatology and evidence-based dermatology.
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