ELF Preschool

category Business Solutions
phone +6564664045

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64 Eng Kong Rd, Singapore 599057

location Place : Beauty World
city City : Singapore
state State : Singapore
country Country : Singapore

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Are you searching for the Best Childcare Center in Beauty World? ELF Preschool has been serving families in the Upper Bukit Timah, Toh Tuck, Lor Kismis, Eng Kong community since 2009. We provides a curriculum model based on a constructivist approach, enabling children to learn through lessons conducted both indoors and outdoors, involving play, movement, hands-on experiments and collaboration. The school is committed to implement the latest advancement in early childhood research, methodology and pedagogy. Our learning approach allows pre-schoolers to acquire knowledge, skills and dispositions through lively learning activities carefully crafted by our dedicated and experienced teachers. So, for more query you must contact us.
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