
category Medicinal clinic
phone 8122639422

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25/13, Whites Road, 4th Floor, Mamatha Complex, Royapettah, Chennai - 600 014, India.

location Place : Chennai
city City : Tambaram
state State : Tamil Nadu
country Country : India

atmail Email : hearyourskintone@gmail.com
web Website : https://www.hearyourskin.in/

details Company details
25/13, Whites Road, 4th Floor, Mamatha Complex, Royapettah,
Chennai - 600 014, India.
+91 44 40152626 | 7338851666
Title Tag: Dark patches on neck, Acanthosis Nigricans, Dark patches face - HYS

 Find Solutions for dark patches on neck - Acanthosis Nigricans causes diabetes, mostly overweight or obese people affected by Acanthosis Nigricans - Dark patches face.

These dark patches are caused by a metabolic condition
These dark patches are not Dirt, Sweat, Allergy to chain, Hyperpigmentation
These dark patches may be caused due to Insulin resistance / Obesity / Irregular menstrual cycles (PCOS)
Dark patches on the face? It Can be Cured
Who's at risk?

Acanthosis Nigricans can affect individuals of any age, including children and those of any ethnic background. Males and females are equally affected by Acanthosis Nigricans equally.

People who are commonly affected by Acanthosis Nigricans (it appears as dark patches in the neck, face, armpit and knuckles)

Overweight or obese people
Women with irregular menstrual cycles (PCOD)
People with Insulin resistance
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