category Business Solutions
phone +442088405504

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7 Leeland Rd, London W13 9HH

location Place : Ealing
city City : Wimbledon
state State : London
country Country : United Kingdom

atmail Email : gwandy77@o2.pl
web Website : Visit

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If you are looking for the Best Pizza Delivery in Ealing, then contact K2+EALING. We provide the best pizza in London. The taste of the pizza comes not only from the selection of first-class ingredients. Our pizza is a combination of the best natural ingredients and dough with its own recipe. Try it, try crispy margins, ripe tomatoes, and real salami. If you are not convinced, choose one of the classic compositions from our menu. You will appreciate her uniqueness right away. The taste of the pizza comes not only from the selection of first-class ingredients. K2+ pizza is probably the best pizza in Ealing.
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