Master Inspections

category Builders and Developers
phone +61422343164

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33 Pleasant St, Newtown VIC 3220, Australia

location Place : North Geelong
city City : Notting Hill
state State : Victoria
country Country : Australia

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If you are looking for the best Property reports in North Geelong, Master Inspections is Newtown’s building inspections specialist, dedicated to provide you with sound and clear advice based on the thorough inspection of the property you are interested in – whether you are buying, selling, renovating, or building. Master Inspection will help you make an informed and confident decision for you and your family. We service Geelong, Surf coast & Bellarine areas. Easy to read detailed report with explanatory photographic evidence with reports e-mailed within 24hrs of the inspection. Your inspector is licensed building practitioner and covered by professional indemnity and public liability insurance. Get an immediate free quote from your actual inspector between 8am to 8pm.
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