
category Business Solutions
phone +61438614619

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Shop 1/429 Old Cleveland Rd, Coorparoo QLD 4151, Australia

location Place : Coorparoo
city City : Brisbane
state State : Queensland
country Country : Australia

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Are you looking for the Best Personal Training in Camp Hill? Welcome at MissFit we aim to inspire women to achieve their best in life through exercise. We want all of our clients to live life to the fullest and we are focused on motivating them to achieve their goals. It’s what we do better than anyone else. You will be personally trained by female personal trainers who are committed to offering the best workouts and service possible. We understand women’s bodies and we know the best methods for you. We know that staying active in life builds inner-strength and that’s what will keep you feeling confident, healthy and happy Personal training, mums and bubs fitness & fitness classes are some of the services we offer. Start your fitness journey with us, located in Coorparoo. Contact us.
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