Parami Home service

category Electronics Services
phone 8929306575

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C2, janakpuri

location Place : Delhi
city City : New Delhi
state State : Delhi
country Country : India

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A home appliance, also referred to as a domestic appliance, an electric appliance or a household appliance is a machine which assists in household functions such as cooking, cleaning and food preservation. Appliances are divided into three types. This categorization is reflected in the maintenance and repair of these types of products. Brown goods typically require high technical knowledge and skills (which get more complex with time, such as going from a soldering iron to a hot-air soldering station), while white goods may need more practical skills and force to manipulate the devices and heavy tools required to repair them. Given a broad usage, the domestic application attached to home appliance is tied to the definition of appliance as "an instrument or device designed for a particular use or function.
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