Pine Joinery & Construction

category Business Solutions
phone +447895419452

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4 Devonshire Road, Hazel Grove SK7 6BY, United Kingdom

location Place : Hazel Grove
city City : London
state State : London
country Country : United Kingdom

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Are you searching for the Best Wall Panelling in Torkington? Welcome to Pine Joinery & Construction, A joinery specialist with 10 years of experience working on some incredible home transformation projects over time allows me to work to a high standard and provide a high quality of work for the client. Whether you're in need of external joinery, media walls, wall panelling, decking, or architectural woodwork, you can trust us to deliver bespoke solutions tailored to your unique specifications and style preferences. We also specialize in kitchen extensions, garages, roofing, porches, wood flooring, and more. You can trust us to deliver superior results. Contact us.
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