Shande Traditional Chinese Medicine

category Business Solutions
phone +6581716002

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190 Middle Rd, #03-33B/#03-34/#04-33 Fortune Center, Singapore 188979

location Place : Rochor
city City : Singapore
state State : Singapore
country Country : Singapore

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Are you looking for the Best treatment for Acupuncture in Rochor? Shande Traditional Chinese Medicine is based in Rochor, Singapore. We are a Singapore-registered and recognized Chinese medicine clinic. It has free consultations on the first and fifteenth days of the lunar new year.  More than 10,000 patients visited, with a record 95% recovery rate. As of today, we can treat more than 80 diseases with various services that use the best technological equipment available today and effective traditional medicine.  We specialize in TCM, acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, physiotherapy, and more. Qualified TCM physicians and TCM physicists that have many years of clinical experience. Please visit our website for more information or get in touch today.
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