Stylean ltd

category Business Solutions
phone 07540653293

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SS0 8ED Westcliff-On-Sea

location Place : Chalkwell
city City : London
state State : London
country Country : United Kingdom

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Get the best Home Organising Service in Chalkwell ,At Stylean ltd, a styling, organising and home cleaning agency. The last thing this town needs is another cleaning agency, well lucky for you that’s what we are not! We offer so much more. We thought the industry was lacking a service that we all seem so desperate to need right now a cleaning service that goes the extra mile as and when you need it! If you are a Khloe Kardashian of this world, then our service is for you! What we offer: all our services are completely tailored to you. We have a Hinch style cleaning approach, so we won’t leave your home without our famous cushion karate chop; you want an organised pantry style cupboard, cutlery draw organising, or maybe you want an organised wardrobe.
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